Welcome to the Maxwell International Client Zone.
Our goal is to transform your business.
We are passionate about helping companies to achieve their vision and goals in order to build cutting edge competence
This page provides internal tools and support for employees of Maxwell International.
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Improve Your Sales Processes, Productivity, and Performance
Is your sales staff underperforming and you can’t figure out why ? Sales managers are the key to your sales success! If you want to improve sales performance or change strategic direction, your success depends on competent and committed sales managers.
Sales management is about developing a sales force, coordinating sales operations, and implementing sales techniques that allow a business to consistently hit, and even surpass, its sales targets.
One of the most important conditions of being a sales manager is your ability to positively influence your sales team. Only if you can impress the thoughts, actions, and behaviors of your sales team can you be an effective sales manager.
On the other hand, poor sales performance costs money, time, resources and missed opportunity, and the very worst part is, you’re most likely contributing to your competitors growth.
Having an effective sales management process will allows you to drive your company forward. You’ll have a clearer vision of where you stand amongst your competition and know how to stay ahead of the competition.
Our sales management training courses covers the methods and techniques needed to manage a sales team – for first time mangers or as a refresher for existing managers.
Topics for Sales Management Training
We also help our clients in the following areas:
Maxwell International s.r.o.
Jablonského 640/2
170 00 Praha 7 – Holešovice
Česká Republika
Welcome to the Maxwell International Client Zone.
Our goal is to transform your business.
We are passionate about helping companies to achieve their vision and goals in order to build cutting edge competence
This page provides internal tools and support for employees of Maxwell International.
Your username and password is required
to access these resources.