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Presenting to Win


Present With Confidence


Who would understand Einstein’s theory of  relativity if he had not been able to communicate it clearly and comprehensibly?


Are you well prepared and relaxed, confident that your performance will have the desired impact on your audience?

Seventy percent of employed Americans who give presentations agree that presentation skills are critical to their success at work, according to a new survey. And the other 30% don’t know it yet.

Professionals are expected to give presentations as part of their job. You may be the smartest person in the room, but if you can’t speak effectively, no one will know it. Your managers, colleagues, customers, clients and investors will judge your skills and abilities by the way you speak. Does this have an impact on your work? Potentially, yes.

Business presentations are different to the speeches we make at weddings, birthdays and sporting events. They require precision, intelligence and commitment
Whether you get up in front of formal audiences on a regular basis, or you simply have to make your voice heard in a meeting, you’re using presentation skills.
Are you selling a product? Prospects want to know “what will it do for me?” Are you presenting to stockholders? Investors want to know how the news will affect their pocketbooks. Are you training employees and customers? From sales pitches to company meetings, good presentation are key to many influential roles in today’s business world
This Maxwell´s Presenting to Win training course will give you the confidence and tools you need to engage your  audience, sell your ideas, and inspire people to act.

You’ll get better at:

  • Understanding the dynamics of making brilliant presentations
  • Showing people why your ideas matter to them
  • Winning over tough crowds
  • Balancing analytical and emotional appeal
  • Crafting memorable messages
  • Creating powerful visuals
  • Striking the right tone
  • Holding your audience’s attention
  • Measuring your impact


Master the art of persuasive presenting with our life-changing training course.

Maxwell´s Presenting to Win training course can make anyone more comfortable & persuasive in front of a group!

What’s next?

Maxwell Public Speaking Training Programmes are always tailored to the specific group or person attending. It can be delivered for individuals, small group workshops or in a seminar format. To find out more call us.

Let’s Stay in Contact

Maxwell International s.r.o.
Jablonského 640/2
170 00 Praha 7 – Holešovice
Česká Republika

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